It is important to keep an eye to costs, as your marketing dollars need to fit into your budget.
One of the first things you should have as a real estate investor and business owner is business cards.
They should be professionally done, not on a inkjet printer with the tear perforation. Your image needs to be professional. The cards should serve not only as a piece for contact information, but also as a marketing tool.
Consider placing a teaser line on the back of the card that says, "Want to earn and extra $500? Contact me for more information." People call you and tell them that you pay on successful close on leads. Now you have a new Bird dog.
When I go out, I always leave a few cards around for people to find. In fact, a colleague I know puts his card in the slot at gas stations where you put in the credit card at the pump. He gets call from that!
You can have cards made locally or use can get great deals on the net. I use Vista Print for my cards, because they offer great deals, and they even have free cards for those of you getting started with tight funds.
Check them out, they have a really easy to use template that you can use to create very professional looking cards, even with gloss! 75% Off Premium "Custom" Business Cards at!